* / ** authors contributed equally
Corriveau, A., James, A. R., Jr., deBettencourt, M. T., Rosenberg, M. D. (in press). Sustained attentional state is a floodlight not a spotlight. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. link
Chidharom, M., Bonnefond, A., Vogel, E. K., Rosenberg, M. D. (2025). Objective markers of sustained attention fluctuate independently of mind-wandering reports. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. link
Guo, X. H., Rosenberg, M. D., Bainbridge, W. A.*, Susan Goldin-Meadow, S.* (2025). How gesture benefits learning: A working framework for examining attention and memory mechanisms. PsyArXiv. link
Horien, C., Mandino, F., Greene, A. S., Shen, X., Powell, K., Vernetti, A., O’Connor, D., McPartland, J. C., Volkmar, F. R., Chun, M. M., Chawarska, K., Lake, E. M. R., Rosenberg, M. D., Satterthwaite, T., Scheinost, D., Finn, E. S., Constable, R. T. (2025). What is the best brain state to predict autistic traits? medRxiv. link
Song, H.*, Park, J.*, Rosenberg, M. D. (2024). Understanding cognitive processes across spatial scales of the brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. link
Zhang, Z. & Rosenberg, M. D. (2024). Brain network dynamics predict moments of surprise across contexts. Nature Human Behaviour. link
Corriveau, A., Ke, J., Terashima, H., Kondo, H. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2024). Functional brain networks predicting sustained attention are not specific to perceptual modality. Network Neuroscience. link
Roberts, B. R. T.*, Pruin, J.*, Bainbridge, W. A., Rosenberg, M. D., deBettencourt, M. T. (2024). Memory augmentation with an adaptive cognitive interface. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. PDF
Corriveau, A.*, Chao, A. F.*, deBettencourt, M. T.**, Rosenberg, M. D.** (2024). Recognition memory fluctuates with sustained attention regardless of task-relevance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. PDF
Kardan, O., Jones, N., Wheelock, M. D., Michael, C., Angstadt, M., Molloy, M. F., Cope, L. M., Martz, M. M., McCurry, K. L., Hardee, J. E., Rosenberg, M. D., Weigard, A., Hyde, L. W., Sripada, C., Heitzeg, M. M. (2024). Assessing neurocognitive maturation in early adolescence based on baby and adult functional brain landscapes. bioRxiv. link
Pamplona, G. S. P., Zweerings, J., Lor, C. S., deErney, L., Roecher, E., Taebi, A., Hellrung, L., Amano, K., Scheinost, D., Krause, F., Rosenberg, M. D., Ionta, S., Brem, S., Hermans, E. J., Mathiak, K., Scharnowski, F. (2024). Neural mechanisms of feedback processing and behavioral adaptation during neurofeedback training. bioRxiv. link
Chamberlain, T. A., Corriveau, A., Song, H., Kwon, Y. H., Yoo, K., Chun, M. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2024). High performers demonstrate greater neural synchrony than low performers across behavioral domains. Imaging Neuroscience. link
Akcelik, G. N., Choe, K. W., Rosenberg, M. D., Schertz, K. E., Meidenbauer, K. L., Zhang, T., Rim, N., Tucker, R., Talen, E., Berman, M. G. (2024). Quantifying urban environments: Aesthetic preference through the lens of prospect-refuge theory. Journal of Environmental Psychology. PDF
Jones, H. M., Yoo, K., Chun, M. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2024). Edge-based general linear models capture high-frequency fluctuations in attention. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
Busch, E. L., Rapuano, K. M., Anderson, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Watts, R., Casey, B. J., Haxby, J., Feilong, M. (2024). Dissociation of reliability, heritability, and predictivity in coarse- and fine-scale functional connectomes during development. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
Zhang, Z. & Rosenberg, M. D. (2023). Assessing the impact of attention fluctuations on statistical learning. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. PDF
Ke, J., Song, H., Bai, Z., Rosenberg, M. D., Leong, Y. C. (2023). Dynamic functional connectivity encodes generalizable representations of emotional arousal but not valence. bioRxiv. link
Mummaneni, A., Kardan, O., Stier, A. J., Chamberlain, T. A., Chao, A. F., Berman, M. G., Rosenberg, M. D. (2023). Functional brain connectivity predicts sleep duration in youth and adults. Human Brain Mapping. link
Song, H., Shim, W. M.*, Rosenberg, M. D.* (2023). Large-scale neural dynamics in a shared low-dimensional state space reflect cognitive and attentional dynamics. eLife. PDF
Kardan, O., Sereeyothin, C., Schertz, K. E., Angstadt, M., Weigard, A. S., Berman, M. G., Heitzeg, M. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2023). Neighborhood air pollution is negatively associated with neurocognitive maturation in early adolescence. bioRxiv. link
Corriveau, A., Yoo, K., Kwon, Y. H., Chun, M. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2023). Functional connectome stability and optimality are markers of cognitive performance. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
Horien, C., Greene, A. S., Shen, X., Fortes, D., Brennan-Wydra, E., Banarjee, C., Foster, R., Donthireddy, V., Butler, M., Powell, K., Vernetti, A., Mandino, F., O’Connor, D., Lake, E. M. R., McPartland, J. C., Volkmar, F. R., Chun, M. M., Chawarska, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T. (2023). A generalizable connectome-based marker of in-scan sustained attention in neurodiverse youth. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
Kardan, O., Stier, A. J., Layden, E. A., Choe, K. W., Lyu, M., Zhang, X., Beilock, S. L., Rosenberg, M. D., Berman, M. G. (2023). Improvements in task performance after practice are associated with scale-free dynamics of brain activity. Network Neuroscience. link
Stier, A. J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Kardan, O., Moore, T. M., Meyer, F. A. C., Rosenberg, M. D., Kaczkurkin, A. N., Lahey, B. B., Berman, M. G. (2023). A pattern of cognitive resource disruptions in childhood psychopathology. Network Neuroscience. link
Hendrickson, T. J., Reiners, P., Moore, L. A., Perrone, A. J., Alexopoulos, D., Lee, E. G., Styner, M., Kardan, O., Chamberlain, T. A., Mummaneni, A., Caldas, H. A., Bower, B., Stoyell, S., Martin, T., Sung, S., Fair, E., Uriarte-Lopez, J., Rueter, A. R., Rosenberg, M. D., Smyser, C. D., Elison, J. T., Graham, A., Fair, D. A., Feczko, E. (2023). BIBSNet: A Deep Learning Baby Image Brain Segmentation Network for MRI Scans. bioRxiv. link
Conley, M. I., Rapuano, K. M., Benson-Williams, C., Rosenberg, M. D., Watts, R., Bell, C., Casey, B. J., Baskin-Sommers, A. (2023). Executive network activation moderates the association between neighborhood threats and externalizing behavior in youth. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. PDF
Kardan, O., Stier, A. J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Schertz, K. E., Pruin, J. C., Deng, Y., Chamberlain, T. A., Meredith, W. J, Zhang, X., Bowman, J. E., Lakhtakia, T., Tindel, L., Avery, E. W., Lin, Q., Yoo, K., Chun, M. M., Berman, M. G., Rosenberg, M. D. (2022). Differences in the functional brain architecture of sustained attention and working memory in youth and adults. PLOS Biology. link
Wakeland-Hart, C. D., Cao, S., deBettencourt, M. T.*, Bainbridge, W. A.*, Rosenberg, M. D.* (2022). Predicting visual memory across images and within individuals. Cognition. PDF
Kardan, O., Kaplan, S., Wheelock, M. D., Feczko, E., Day, T. K. M., Miranda-Domínguez, Ó., Meyer, D., Eggebrecht, A. T., Moore, L. A., Sung, S., Chamberlain, T. A., Earl, E., Snider, K., Graham, A., Berman, M. G., Uğurbil, K., Yacoub, E., Elison, J. T., Smyser, C. D., Fair, D. A., Rosenberg, M. D. (2022). Resting-state functional connectivity identifies individuals and predicts age in 8-to-26-month-olds. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Rapuano, K. M., Conley, M. I., Juliano, A. C., Conan, G. M., Maza, M. T., Woodman, K., Martinez, S. A., Eric Earl, E., Perrone, A., Feczko, E., Fair, D. A., Watts, R., Casey, B. J., Rosenberg, M. D. (2022). An open-access accelerated adult equivalent of the ABCD Study neuroimaging dataset (a-ABCD). NeuroImage. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D. & Finn, E. S. (2022). How to establish robust brain–behavior relationships without thousands of individuals. Nature Neuroscience. PDF
Kaplan, S., Perrone, A., Alexopoulos, D., Kenley, J. K., Barch, D. M., Buss, C., Elison, J. T., Graham, A. M., Neil, J. J., O’Connor, T. G., Rasmussen, J. M., Rosenberg, M. D., Rogers, C. E., Sotiras, A., Fair, D. A., Smyser, C. D. (2022). Synthesizing pseudo-T2w images to recapture missing data in neonatal neuroimaging with applications in rs-fMRI. NeuroImage. PDF
Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Kwon, Y. H., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2022). A cognitive state transformation model for task-general and task-specific subsystems of the brain connectome. NeuroImage. PDF
Meredith, W. J., Cardenas‐Iniguez, C., Berman, M. G., Rosenberg, M. D. (2022). Effects of the physical and social environment on youth cognitive performance. Developmental Psychobiology. PDF
Chen, Y.-C., Chang, A., Rosenberg, M. D., Feng, D., Scholl, B. J., Trainor, L. J. (2022). “Taste typicality” is a foundational and multi-modal dimension of ordinary aesthetic experience. Current Biology. PDF
Bethlehem, R. A.*, Seidlitz, J.*, White, S. R.*, Vogel, J. W., Anderson, K. M., et al. (2022). Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature. PDF
Chamberlain, T. A. & Rosenberg, M. D. (2022). Propofol selectively modulates functional connectivity signatures of sustained attention during rest and narrative listening. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Kwon, Y. H., Lin, Q., Avery, E. W., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2022). A brain-based general measure of attention. Nature Human Behaviour. PDF
Sisk, L. M., Rapuano, K. M., Conley, M. I., Greene, A. S., Horien, C., Rosenberg, M. D., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Glatt, C. E., Casey, B. J., Gee, D. G. (2022). Genetic variation in endocannabinoid signaling is associated with differential network-level functional connectivity in youth. Journal of Neuroscience Research. PDF
Kaplan, S., Meyer, D., Miranda-Domínguez, Ó., Perrone, A., Earl, E., Alexopoulos, D., Barch, D. M., Day, T. K. M., Dust, J., Eggebrecht, A. T., Feczko, E., Kardan, O., Kenley, J. K., Rogers, C. E., Wheelock, M. D., Yacoub, E., Rosenberg, M. D., Elison, J. T., Fair, D. A., Smyser, C. D. (2022). Filtering respiratory motion artifact from resting state fMRI data in infant and toddler populations. NeuroImage. PDF
Ip, K. I., Sisk, L. M., Horien, C., Conley, M. I., Rapuano, K. M., Rosenberg, M. D., Greene, A. S., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Casey, B. J., Baskin-Sommers, A., Gee, D. G. (2022). Associations among household and neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantages, resting-state frontoamygdala connectivity, and internalizing symptoms in youth. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Hakim, N., Awh, E., Vogel, E. K., Rosenberg, M. D. (2021). Inter-electrode correlations measured with EEG predict individual differences in cognitive ability. Current Biology. PDF
Doss, M. K., Považan, M., Rosenberg, M. D., Sepeda, N. D., Davis, A. K., Finan, P. H., Smith, G. S., Pekar, J. J., Barker, P. B., Griffiths, R. R., Barrett, F. S. (2021). Psilocybin therapy increases cognitive and neural flexibility in patients with major depressive disorder. Translational Psychiatry. PDF
Finn, E. S. & Rosenberg, M. D. (2021). Beyond fingerprinting: Choosing predictive connectomes over reliable connectomes. NeuroImage. PDF
Yousif, S. R., Rosenberg, M. D., Keil, F. C. (2021). Using space to remember: Short-term spatial structure spontaneously improves working memory. Cognition. PDF
Song, H., Finn, E. S., Rosenberg, M. D. (2021). Neural signatures of attentional engagement during narratives and its consequences for event memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF
Stark, G. F., Avery, E. W., Rosenberg, M. D., Greene, A. S., Gao, S., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M., Yoo, K. (2021). Using functional connectivity models to characterize relationships between working and episodic memory. Brain and Behavior. PDF
Song, H. & Rosenberg, M. D. (2021). Predicting attention across time and contexts with functional brain connectivity. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. PDF
Chaarani, B., Hahn, S., Allgaier, N., Adise, S., Owens, M. M., et al. (2021). Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study. Nature Neuroscience. PDF
Sanchez-Alonso, S., Rosenberg, M. D., Aslin, R. N. (2021). Functional connectivity patterns predict naturalistic viewing versus rest across development. NeuroImage. PDF
Frith, E., Elbich, D. B., Christensen, A. P., Rosenberg, M. D., Chen, Q., Kane, M. J., Silvia, P. J., Seli, P., Beaty, R. E. (2021). Intelligence and creativity share a common cognitive and neural basis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF
Feczko, E., Conan, G., Marek, S., Tervo-Clemmens, B., Cordova, M., et al. (2021). Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Community MRI Collection and Utilities. bioRxiv. link
Fountain-Zaragoza, S., Manglani, H. R., Rosenberg, M. D., Andridge, R., Prakash, R. S. (2021). Defining a connectome-based predictive model of attentional control in aging. bioRxiv. link
Rapuano, K. M., Rosenberg, M. D., Maza, M. T., Dennis, N. J., Dorji, M., Greene, A. S., Horien, C., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Casey, B. J. (2020). Behavioral and brain signatures of substance use vulnerability in childhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Conley, M. I., Hindley, I., Baskin-Sommers, A., Gee, D. G., Casey, B. J., Rosenberg, M. D. (2020). The importance of social factors in the association between physical activity and depression in children. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. PDF
Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Moore, T. M., Kaczkurkin, A. N., Meyer, F. A. C., Satterthwaite, T. D., Fair, D. A., White, T., Blok, E., Applegate, B., Thompson, L. M., Rosenberg, M. D., Hedeker, D., Berman, M. G., Lahey, B. B. (2020). Direct and indirect associations of widespread individual differences in brain white matter microstructure with executive functioning and general and specific dimensions of psychopathology in children. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. PDF
Moore, T. M., Kaczkurkin, A. N., Durham, E. L., Jeong, H. J., McDowell, M. G., Dupont, R. M., Applegate, B., Tackett, J. L., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Kardan, O., Akcelik, G. N., Stier, A. J., Rosenberg, M. D., Hedeker, D., Berman, M. G., Lahey, B. B. (2020). Criterion validity and relationships between alternative hierarchical dimensional models of general and specific psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. PDF
Gruskin, D. C., Rosenberg, M. D., Holmes, A. J. (2020). Relationships between depressive symptoms and brain responses during emotional movie viewing emerge in adolescence. NeuroImage. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D. & Song, H. (2020). Predicting post-stroke aphasia from brain imaging. Nature Human Behaviour. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Martinez, S. A., Rapuano, K. M., Conley, M. I., Cohen, A. O., Cornejo, M. D., Hagler, D. J., Meredith, W. J., Anderson, K. M., Wager, T. D., Feczko, E., Earl, E., Fair, D. A., Barch, D. M., Watts, R., Casey, B. J. (2020). Behavioral and neural signatures of working memory in childhood. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
Anderson, K. M., Collins, M. A., Chin, R., Ge, T., Rosenberg, M. D., Holmes, A. J. (2020). Transcriptional and imaging-genetic association of cortical interneurons, brain function, and schizophrenia risk. Nature Communications. PDF
Goldfarb, E. V., Rosenberg, M. D., Seo, D., Constable, R. T., Sinha, R. (2020). Hippocampal seed connectome-based modeling predicts the feeling of stress. Nature Communications. PDF
Scheinost, D., Hsu, W.-T., Avery, E. W., Hampson, M., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M., Rosenberg, M. D. (2020). Connectome-based neurofeedback: A pilot study to improve sustained attention. NeuroImage. PDF
Wu, E. X. W., Liaw, G. J., Goh, R. Z., Chia, T. T. Y., Chee, A. M. J., Obana, T., Rosenberg, M. D., Yeo, B. T. T., Asplund, C. L. (2020). Overlapping attentional networks yield divergent behavioral predictions across tasks: Neuromarkers for diffuse and focused attention? NeuroImage. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Scheinost, D., Greene, A. S., Avery, E. W., Kwon, Y. H., Finn, E. S., Ramani, R., Qiu, M., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2020). Functional connectivity predicts changes in attention observed across minutes, days, and months. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF
Avery, E. W., Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Greene, A. S., Gao, S., Na, D. L., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2020). Distributed patterns of functional connectivity predict working memory performance in novel healthy and memory-impaired individuals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D. & Chun, M. M. (2020). Network models of attention and working memory. In M. Gazzaniga & D. Poeppel (Eds.), The Cognitive Neurosciences VI. MIT Press. link
Hagler, D. J., Hatton, S. N., Makowski, C., Cornejo, M. D., Fair, D. A., et al. (2019). Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. NeuroImage. PDF
Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Noble, S., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2019). Multivariate approaches improve the reliability and validity of functional connectivity and prediction of individual behaviors. NeuroImage. PDF
Kumar, S., Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Zhang, S., Li, C.-S. R., Chun, M. M. (2019). An information network flow approach for measuring functional connectivity and predicting behavior. Brain and Behavior. PDF
Scheinost, D., Noble, S., Horien, C., Greene, A. S., Lake, E. M. R., Salehi, M., Gao, S., Shen, X., O’Connor, D., Barron, D. S., Yip, S. W., Rosenberg, M. D., Constable, R. T. (2019). Ten simple rules for predictive modeling of individual differences in neuroimaging. NeuroImage. PDF
Lake, E. M. R., Finn, E. S., Noble, S. M., Vanderwal, T., Shen, X., Rosenberg, M. D., Spann, M. N., Chun, M. M., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T. (2019). The functional brain organization of an individual allows prediction of measures of social abilities transdiagnostically in autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry. PDF
Fong, A. H. C., Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Zhang, S., Li, C.-S. R., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2019). Dynamic functional connectivity during task performance and rest predicts individual differences in attention across studies. NeuroImage. PDF
Fountain-Zaragoza, S., Samimy, S., Rosenberg, M. D., Prakash, R. S., (2019). Connectome-based models predict attentional control in aging adults. NeuroImage. PDF
Casey, B. J., Cannonier, T., Conley, M. I., Cohen, A. O., Barch, D. M., Heitzeg, M. M., Soules, M. E., Teslovich, T., Dellarco, D. V., Garavan, H., Orr, C. A., Wager, T. D., Banich, M. T., Speer, N. K., Sutherland, M. T., Riedel, M. C., Dick, A. S., Bjork, J. M., Thomas, K. M., Chaarani, B., Mejia, M. H., Hagler Jr, D. A., Cornejo, M. D., Sicat, C. S., Harms, M. P., Dosenbach, N. U. F., Rosenberg, M. D., Earl, E., Bartsch, H., Watts, R., Polimeni, J. R., Kuperman, J. M., Fair, D. A., Dale, A. M. (2018). The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study: Imaging acquisition across 21 sites. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D. (2018). Baby brains reflect maternal inflammation. Nature Neuroscience. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Casey, B. J., Holmes, A. J. (2018). Prediction complements explanation in understanding the developing brain. Nature Communications. PDF
Yoo, K., Rosenberg, M. D., Hsu, W.-T., Zhang, S., Li, C.-S. R., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2018). Connectome-based predictive modeling of attention: Comparing different functional connectivity features and prediction methods across datasets. NeuroImage. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Hsu, W.-T., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2018). Connectome-based models predict separable components of attention in novel individuals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF
Hsu, W.-T., Rosenberg, M. D., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity predicts neuroticism and extraversion in novel individuals. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF
Jangraw, D. C., Gonzalez-Castillo, J., Handwerker, D. A., Ghane, M., Rosenberg, M. D., Panwar, P., Bandettini, P. A. (2018). A functional connectivity-based neuromarker of sustained attention generalizes to predict recall in a reading task. NeuroImage. PDF
Beaty, R. E., Kenett, Y. N., Christensen, A. P., Rosenberg, M. D., Benedek, M., Chen, Q., Fink, A., Qiu, J., Kwapil, T. R., Kane, M. J., Silvia, P. J. (2018). Robust prediction of individual creative ability from brain functional connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF
Lin, Q., Rosenberg, M. D., Yoo, K., Hsu, W.-T., O’Connell, T. P., Chun, M. M. (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity predicts cognitive impairment related to Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. PDF
List, A., Rosenberg, M. D., Sherman, A., Esterman, M. (2017). Pattern classification of EEG signals reveals perceptual and attentional states. PLoS One. PDF
Shen, X., Finn, E. S., Scheinost, D., Rosenberg, M. D., Chun, M. M., Papademetris, X., Constable, R. T. (2017). Using connectome-based predictive modeling to predict individual behavior from brain connectivity. Nature Protocols. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Finn, E. S., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2017). Characterizing attention with predictive network models. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Zhang, S., Hsu, W.-T., Scheinost, D., Finn, E. S., Shen, X., Constable, R. T., Li, C.-S. R., Chun, M. M. (2016). Methylphenidate modulates functional network connectivity to enhance attention. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
Chekroud, A. M., Ward, E. J., Rosenberg, M. D., Holmes, A. J. (2016). Patterns in the human brain mosaic discriminate males from females. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D.*, Finn, E. S.*, Scheinost, D., Papademetris, X., Shen, X., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2016). A neuromarker of sustained attention from whole-brain functional connectivity. Nature Neuroscience. PDF
Finn, E. S., Shen, X., Scheinost, D., Rosenberg, M. D., Huang, J., Chun, M. M., Papademetris, X., Constable, R. T. (2015). Functional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity. Nature Neuroscience. PDF
Rosenberg, M. D., Finn, E. S., Constable, R. T., Chun, M. M. (2015). Predicting moment-to-moment attentional state. NeuroImage. PDF
Esterman, M., Rosenberg, M. D., Noonan, S. K. (2014). Intrinsic fluctuations in sustained attention and distractor processing. Journal of Neuroscience.PDF
Rosenberg, M., Noonan, S., DeGutis, J., Esterman, M. (2013). Sustaining visual attention in the face of distraction: a novel gradual-onset continuous performance task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. PDF
Esterman, M., Noonan, S. K., Rosenberg, M., DeGutis, J. (2013). In the zone or zoning out? Tracking behavioral and neural fluctuations during sustained attention. Cerebral Cortex. PDF