Monica has been named a 2025 Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science!
Hayoung Song received a 2024 Dissertation Research Award from the American Psychological Association and a Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience. Congratulations Hayoung!
Ziwei Zhang won a poster award at the University of Chicago Neuroscience Retreat. Congratulations Ziwei!
Congratulations to Dr. Hayoung Song for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis and giving us all many “aha!” moments of insight!
Monica was awarded a 2024 Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from the Association for Psychological Science!
Anna Corriveau was recognized with a University of Chicago Department of Psychology Ruth Sosis Memorial Fellowship Award!
Anna Corriveau received a FoVea Travel and Networking Award to attend the 2023 Vision Sciences Society meeting. Congratulations, Anna!
Monica was awarded a Dean’s Early Career Research Award by the University of Chicago Social Sciences Division.
Can we predict your capacity to focus? Find out by listening to a new episode of the Big Brains podcast featuring our lab’s work!
Congratulations to Hayoung Song for receiving a Merit Abstract Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping for her work on cognitive and neural state dynamics!
Congratulations to CAB Lab undergraduate RA Lucy Tindel for receiving a University of Chicago Department of Psychology Earl R. Franklin Research Fellowship to support her thesis work on narrative event memory!
Congratulations to Ziwei Zhang for receiving a Graduate Student Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society for her work on relationships between sustained attention and adaptive learning!
Monica Rosenberg was awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship in Neuroscience!
Hayoung Song’s paper on narrative engagement and event memory was featured in UChicago News!
Congratulations to CAB Lab PhD student Hayoung Song and CAB Lab collaborator Nicole Hakim for winning 2020 Psychonomic Society Graduate Conference Awards! Hayoung was recognized for her project characterizing narrative engagement and its consequences for event memory [preprint], and Nicole was recognized for her work predicting working memory capacity and fluid intelligence from EEG data [preprint].
Congratulations to CAB Lab postdoc Dr. Omid Kardan for winning an International Society for Developmental Psychobiology 2020 Student/Postdoc Abstract Award for his work predicting age from functional connectivity in infancy and toddlerhood!
The CAB Lab welcomes two new MA students! Julia Pruin is a student in the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences program and Alfred Chao is a student in the Masters in Computational Social Science program.
The CAB Lab is excited to welcome two incoming PhD students next year! Anna Corriveau and Ziwei Zhang will join the CAB Lab as students in the Cognitive Psychology Program starting Fall 2020.
Extra! Extra! Check out Monica Rosenberg’s feature in UChicago News detailing her work building a predictive model of attention robust to fluctuations in attention across time and across multiple datasets: “Why do we sometimes have trouble paying attention?”
Congratulations to Wesley Meredith for presenting the CAB Lab’s inaugural poster—AND winning the Data Science Poster Award—at the University of Chicago’s Mind Bytes Research Computing Expo and Symposium!
Congratulations to Hayoung Song, who was awarded a Neubauer Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar Doctoral Fellowship by the University of Chicago!
The CAB Lab has arrived! Monica Rosenberg joined the University of Chicago faculty from Yale, and welcomes inaugural lab members Wesley Meredith, Hayoung Song, Omid Kardan, and Steven Cao.