Interested in participating?

The CAB Lab runs MRI and behavioral experiments. If you’re interested in participating, email us at to learn more about our current studies. Make sure to let us know how you heard about us!

Interested in joining the CAB Lab…

as a postdoc? We’re not actively recruiting but are always happy to consider candidates with work and interests relevant to our own. Please email Dr. Rosenberg with your CV and statement of your interest in the lab.

as a Ph.D. student? Dr. Rosenberg will review applications to the University of Chicago Department of Psychology Ph.D. program for Fall 2025 but is unsure if she will have priority to recruit a new student. She does not plan to meet with applicants before the application deadline. If you are considering applying—here or to a Ph.D. program in psychology elsewhere—you may find these FAQs, this Sample Preparation Timeline, and this guide (by Dr. Jamil Zaki at Stanford University) helpful.

as an M.A. or undergraduate student? Dr. Rosenberg is on leave in Fall 2024 and not recruiting new research assistants, thesis students, or interns. If you are interested in getting involved in the lab’s work at a later date, please complete this form and we will reach out to you as positions become available.